Issue/Heft 4 (2007)

© AFSV; Waldökologie-Online - Heft 4, 2007 (urn:nbn:de:0041-afsv-00044)

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Heft 4 Naturnähe-Indikatoren Seite 5-58 September 2007

BUßLER, H., BLASCHKE, M., DORKA, V., LOY, H., STRÄTZ, C.: Auswirkungen des Rothenbucher Totholz- und Biotopbaumkonzepts auf die Struktur- und Artenvielfalt in Rot-Buchenwäldern

(The „Rothenbuch concept of dead wood and habitat trees" and its effects on the diversity of structures and biodiversity of beech-forests)

Investigations were performed in the New Red Sandstone region of the 'High Spessart´ in north-west Bavaria (Lower Franconia District), which is famous for extensive beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests on historical woodland sites with continuous tradition of broadleaved tree-cover. Under cool-humid and mild-winter upland conditions ('submontane/oceanic´) the beech achieves its maximum competitive power and tends to form pure stands of acidic beech forest (Luzulo-Fagetum, upland-form). The main goal was to evaluate the effects of the 'Rothenbuch concept´, only 15 years after its implementation, on the diversity of structures and biodiversity. For this purpose mature stands of Beech (located in Rothenbuch) managed according to the guidelines of the concept were compared with conventionally managed stands (located in Altenbuch). Targets of the concept are protection of trees occupied by eyries of tree-breeding birds, retention of at least 10 ecologically valuable trees per hectare, conservation and accumulation of an average 10 m³ dead wood of over 20 centimeters dbh per hectare (excluding stumps and canopy dead wood). Implementation of the concept in forest management follows the principle "before an old tree is removed, a balance must be made between the estimated yield of timber, silvicultural necessity and the tree's ecological value". In Rothenbuch and Altenbuch 30 grids of 1ha (bird study; rare forest structures with a clustered distribution) and 25 circular plots of 0.1ha (other groups and more frequent structures) were installed. Birds were surveyed at the time of incubation by quantitative grid mapping. Saproxylic beetles were sampled by flight-interception traps and time-based manual capture. Snails and wood-inhabiting fungi were surveyed by standardized collections on 15 of the 25 circular sample plots. Three null hypotheses were tested: (i) Rothenbuch concept has as yet had no effect on quality and quantity of lying and standing deadwood structures and habitat trees (ii) Rothenbuch concept has as yet had no effects on abundances and species richness of floral and faunal species indicator groups (iii) Rothenbuch concept has as yet had no effects on abundances and species richness of endangered species dependent on temporal continuity of tradition in habitats and structures The follow up study revealed no significant differences between the two sites in terms of the quantity of habitat trees (i.e. living trees with mulm- and rot-holes, rotten crown sections and dead knots, crevices etc.). However, we recorded increased deadwood resources at the Rothenbuch site: lying stems, standing snags and larger diameters.

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Heft 4 Naturnähe-Indikatoren Seite 59-89 September 2007

GOßNER, M., ENGEL, H., BLASCHKE, M.: Factors determining the occurrence of Flat Bugs (Aradidae) in beech dominated forests

Bestimmende Faktoren für das Vorkommen von Rindenwanzen (Aradidae) in Buchenwäldern

The habitat requirements of most Aradidae and the decisive factors that influence their occurrence are still poorly understood. To reduce this lack of knowledge a standardised survey of Aradidae in two large beech forest areas of Bavaria (northern Steigerwald and High Spessart) was conducted. The following hypotheses were tested: 1) With increasing 'habitat tradition' (temporal continuity), population densities of Aradidae increase, 2) Increasing dead wood supply supports higher abundance of Aradidae, 3) There are key structures for particular species with respect to type of dead wood, diameter and exposure to sunlight, and 4) The occurrence of particular fungi species determines the occurrence of Aradidae. In our study, Aradidae were sampled in point sample plots by flight-interception traps and time-standardised hand collection. To analyse specific habitat requirements additional sampling was performed to increase the sample size. Four species of Aradidae were observed in the two forest areas: Aneurus avenius, Aradus betulae, A. conspicuus and A. depressus. The results demonstrate that all species have different and specific habitat requirements. Especially for A. betulae 'habitat tradition' of standing dead wood of large dimensions infested by Fomes fomentarius seems to be crucial. Hence, A. betulae was only observed in the Spessart and only at the sites with 'habitat tradition'.

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Heft 4 Forstliche Vegetationskunde Seite 91-110 September 2007

FEULNER, M., KONNERT, M.: Autochthone Weißtannenvorkommen in den Schluchten Fränkischer Keupergebiete. Diskussionsbeitrag zu deren genetischer Struktur, Artenausstattung, waldbaulicher Behandlung und Kartierung in Natura 2000

(Autochthone beech forests in gorges of Franconian keuper. Genetic structure, species inventary, silvicultural development and mapping in Natura2000)

The landscape of the Franconian keuper is rich of gorges with a cool and wet microclimate. Abies alba is a regular component in the gorge forests, being associated with montane plant species. Vegetation relevés using the method of Braun-Blanquet show the floristic relationship with an Abies alba-rich Galio-Fagetumand the Vaccinio-Abietetum. Genetic analyses using Isoenzyme markers indicate the autochthony of Abies alba. The genetic structure in the two different study regions is discussed with respect to the clinal variation of silver fir in Bavaria. The difficulty is discussed to include the investigated fir communities to protected plant communities in the sense the European NATURA 2000 program, mainly because of their high proportion of spruce (Picea abies) in the canopy.

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Heft 4 Nachrichten aus der Arbeitsgemeinschaft (AFSV-News) Seite 111-116 September 2007

BERGMEIER, E., WALENTOWSKI, H.: The Annual Meeting of the AFSV 2008 in Turkey

In 2008 the AFSV will hold its annual meeting in Turkey. In this contribution we provide information concerning the objectives of the meeting and the excursion programme.

>> Volltextversion (pdf 275K; Heft 4-Aufsatz 4; Original paper; Language: English)

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