Issue/Heft 3 (2006)

© AFSV; Waldökologie-Online - Heft 3, 2006 (urn:nbn:de:0041-afsv-00039)

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Impressum und Inhaltsverzeichnis

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Heft 3 Forstliche Standorts- und Vegetationskunde Seite 5-30 Dezember 2006

BREM, A.: Die Waldflächenentwicklung zwischen 1800 und 2000 im Oberbayerischen Fünfseenland und ihre Abhängigkeit von den Standortseigenschaften

(Changes in forest acreage between 1800 and 2000 in the Upper Bavarian Fünfseenland and their dependence on site conditions)

This paper quantifies changes in forest-acreage since the 19th century on the basis of historical cadastral maps and investigates the role of site conditions within the complex of circumstances influencing that development. As a study-area, the "Fünfseenland", Upper Bavaria, a popular recreation-area with valuable ecological landscape-structures situated close to the city of Munich, was chosen. The study contributes to the rational appreciation of conflicting economical and ecological values. A geographical information system satisfying high standards of accuracy was set up for this purpose. Intersection of historical and present-day woodland cover yielded the land cover categories afforested woodland, cleared woodland, permanent woodland and permanent open land.

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Heft 3 Naturnähe-Indikatoren Seite 31-41 Dezember 2006

von BRACKEL, W.: Epiphytische Flechten in den Tannenwäldern am Taubenberg

(Epiphytic lichens in fir forests at the Taubenberg)

Forests rich in silver fir (Abies alba) at the Taubenberg were studied randomly for epiphytic lichens (and bryophytes). Lists of species were taken for the different tree species (silver fir, beech, spruce and admixed trees) as well as for the different habitats. Altogether 47 epiphytic lichens and 41 epiphytic bryophytes were recorded, 19 epiphytic lichens and 10 epiphytic bryophytes are red-listed. Moreover four lichenicolous fungi and one hepaticolous fungus were noted. The study makes evident that the silver fir (in the studied region) creates the most important matrix for epiphytic lichens, whereas the beech bears more bryophytes on average. At this elevation (600-900 m), the spruce is of minor importance as a matrix for epiphytes. The occurrence of some severely endangered oceanic lichen species (Allocetraria oakesiana, Arthonia leucopellaea, Cetrelia cetrarioides, Lobaria pulmonaria, Normandina pulchella, Parmeliella triptophylla) and of Milospium lacoizquetae, a lichenicolous fungus until now unknown for Germany show the supra-regional importance of the fir-rich forests at the Taubenberg.

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Heft 3 Naturnähe-Indikatoren Seite 43-55 Dezember 2006

STRÄTZ, Ch.; MÜLLER, J.: Zur Bedeutung von Nadel- und Laubtotholz in kollinen Buchenwäldern für Landgastropoden am Beispiel des Wässernachtals, Nordbayern

(Importance of coniferous and deciduous dead wood in colline beech forests for land gastropods in the valley "Wässernachtal" in Northern Bavaria)

We investigated the mollusc fauna of the valley "Wässernachtal" in Northern Bavaria. A number of 64 species was found. For comparing the importance of dead wood in this base-rich soil we sampled 30 standardised plots in each categorie litter cover, deciduous dead wood, coniferous dead wood. We found significant higher numbers of species and specimens in both dead wood categories compared to the litter (p<0.001). The number of specimens was higher in deciduous than in coniferous dead wood (p=0.08) also.

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Heft 3 Naturnähe-Indikatoren Seite 57-62 Dezember 2006

MÜLLER-KROEHLING, St.: Ist der Gruben-Großlaufkäfer Carabus (variolosus) nodulosus, ein Taxon des Anhanges II der FFH-Richtlinie in Deutschland?

(Should Carabus (variolosus) nodulosus be considered an annex-II-species of the Habitats Directive ?)

The ground beetle Carabus variolosus Fabricius, 1787 is a species listed in appendix II of the EU habitats directive, as of the latest amendmend in 2004. Depending on the taxonomic point of view, this taxon includes or excludes Carabus (variolosus) nodulosus Creutzer, 1799, a (sub)species indigenous to Central Europe. It is shown here that at the time the amendment of appendix II took place, a majority of taxonomic opinion favored the subspecific rank, and there definitely was no majority for the opposite opinion. The majority opinion is decisive for this question alone, as it implies that "Carabus variolosus sensu habitats directive" means C. variolosus sensu latu. Thus, Carabus variolosus nodulosus should be considered a species of appendix II of the habitats directive, if no documents from the amendmend consultations exist that explicitly state the contrary. Regarding the habitat requirements of this species inhabitating pristine inundated woodland swamps this choice is very apt.

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Heft 3 Nationalparkforschung (Schwerpunkt Biodiversität) Seite 63-66 Dezember 2006

GROSSMANN, M.: Forschung im Nationalpark Hainich/Thüringen

(Scientific Research in the Hainich National Park, Thuringia)

Located in Central Germany, not far from Eisenach and the Wartburg Castle, the Hainich National Park is characterized by mixed deciduous woodland rich in beech, oak and hornbeam woodland, pioneer woodland, open areas with numerous small lakes. Founded on 31.12.1997 the area represents the 13th NP of Germany. The size is about 7,500 hectares. National parks serve as outdoor laboratories for the study of physical, biological, and cultural systems and their components. The National Park Administration Office has encouraged and supported research on a wide variety of topics to the fauna, flora, habitats and landscape history. General goals of ecological research are inventory and monitoring of Park resources, and analysing successional dynamics. Socio-economic research investigates the response from the public and regional economical effects of the Park.

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Heft 3 Nationalparkforschung (Schwerpunkt Biodiversität) Seite 67-81 Dezember 2006

HUSS, J., BUTLER–MANNING, D.: Entwicklungsdynamik eines buchendominierten „Naturwald"-Dauerbeobachtungsbestands auf Kalk im Nationalpark Hainich/Thüringen

(Developmental dynamics of a beech-dominated 'natural forest' – permanent observation site on limestone in the Hainich National Park, Thuringia)

A long term study of the natural dynamics of a semi-natural beech forest largely untouched for fifty years began in 1999. A part of the >150 year old beech/ash stand was completely inventoried (28 ha), and the gaps in the forest canopy measured repeatedly. The gaps ranged from 8 – 592 qm, with a mean size of less than 150 qm. There were, on average, 3 gaps/ha, occupying less than 4 % of the stand area. The establishment and survival rates of admixed species were low under the largely intact canopy. The total seedling number was only slightly higher in the gaps (approx. 7 plants/qm) than under the canopy (approx. 6 plants/qm). The problem of seedling establishment was exacerbated by the unregulated influence of deer. Ash seedlings rarely exceeded heights of 50 cm without the protection of fencing, and the development of the sycamores was halted at 90 cm. Even the unpalatable beech benefited slightly from fencing. The average volume of coarse woody debris (CWD) was 62 m³/ha, comprised chiefly of large lying timber, but also of large standing dead wood. The findings to date support the assumption that beech forests left to develop naturally regenerate gradually by means of numerous small scale disturbances, and tend towards an ever greater dominance of beech.

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Heft 3 Nationalparkforschung (Schwerpunkt Biodiversität) Seite 83-99 Dezember 2006

MÖLDER, A., BERNHARDT-RÖMERMANN, M., SCHMIDT, W.: Forest ecosystem research in Hainich National Park (Thuringia): First results on flora and vegetation in stands with contrasting tree species diversity

A floristic description is presented of the study sites of the Research Training Group "The role of biodiversity for biogeochemical cycles and biotic interactions in temperate deciduous forests". To investigate different aspects of plant biodiversity in Hainich National Park (Thuringia), deciduous forest stands with low, medium and high canopy tree species diversity were compared. The results of species richness and forest communities show that the research sites are characterised by a typical central European forest flora. Greater vascular plant species richness occurs with higher diversity of tree species. Six of altogether twelve research sites are assigned to the beech forest alliance (Galio-Fagion), the second half belongs to the oak-hornbeam forest alliance (Carpinion). Suballiances within the Galio-Fagion in the study area include the Galio-Fagetum and the Hordelymo-Fagetum. All Carpinion- relevés are assigned to the suballiance Stellario-Carpinetum.

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Heft 3 Nachrichten aus der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Seite 100-103 Dezember 2006



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