Forest Ecology, Landscape Research and Nature Conservation

Editors-in-Chief: Gerhard Karrer, Michael Manthey, Helge Walentowski, Stefan Zerbe

Heftdeckel 10

Peer-reviewed Open Access Journal


Journal Metrics: 0.3 (Impact Factor 2021-2022); 0.5 (Cite Score 2021); 0.109 (SJR 2021); 0.031 (SNIP 2021); h-index 10

ISSN: 1867-710X E-ISSN:1614-7103     

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Welcome to our attractive and ambitious journal!

Already published issues are available here

The following features are particularly suited to satisfy the multiple requirements of modern forest ecology:

  • Broad scope of topics, inlcuding new ideas and up-to-date methods in the field of geobotany and forest ecology (large data bases, multivariate statistics, GIS modelling and remote sensing).
  • Free and instant access for users (scientific freeware).
  • Peer review system to warrant a high quality level.
  • Articles in German or English with an extensive abstract in both languages.

Demand by university libraries and large numbers of online accesses indicate the successful establishment of the journal. We particularly welcome international contributions to Forest Ecology, Landscape Research and Nature Conservation and expressly encourage the submission of manuscripts in English. We can help in preparing the German abstract. Please send your manuscripts to the Editors-in-Chief. Corrector of anglophone proofsheets: Kelaine Vargas Ravdin

Instructions for Authors

Die Deutsche Bibliothek has archived our electronic publication, which is now permanently available at Furthermore, the journal is listed in SCOPUS, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources and can be searched using the ISSN search option (search for ISSN 1867-710X).

Recent Development of the Journal

Beginning with issue 6 / 2008, the former "Waldökologie online" (ISSN 1604-7103) has merged with the well-established journal "Archives of Nature Conservation and Landscape Research (ISSN 0003-9306)". The merger was finally accomplished in 2009 (Forest Ecology, Landscape Research and Nature Conservation; ISSN 1867-710X).

Besides securing the proper integration of the northeastern German research tradition in site ecology, the union offers an occasion to strengthen the international orientation of our journal: One third of our Editorial Advisory Board is now made up of colleagues from the USA and European countries other than Germany. This broadenend base will invite innovation and improve our capacity to address the challenges of global change, the need for sustainable land use and the loss of biodiversity.

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