
You want to join our Association ?

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To apply for AFSV membership please click below, fill out the form, sign it and send it by Fax to the address given. We recommend that you announce your membership on your personal homepage (e.g. under the category "Membership in International Research Communities") and install a hyperlink to the AFSV-Homepage. We would be pleased if you would send information about the AFSV to friends and colleagues who might also be interested in joining.

AFSV (Association of Forest Site Ecology and Geobotany)

AFSV, c./o. Niedersächsisches Forstplanungsamt (Lower Saxony Forest Planning Office)

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Helge Walentowski
Vize-Chairman: Thomas Jensen
Managing Director: Maurice Schwoy

Forstweg 1a D-38302 Wolfenbüttel
e-mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.

banking account:
Sparkasse Göttingen
IBAN: DE70 2605 0001 0004 7149 60

membership dues: 20.-- Euro / year.